Sneek peek at the first verse of the book, this book can be suited for so many. If you have lost someone special, or maybe you just live real far away from family, could it be that you work out of town. Or it can even relate to Open Adoption, or just adoption maybe even foster care .My first writing of the book was for a loss, but then I had to rewrite it so that it was not so specific as to a child's first year and made it to be for a lot broader of ages.. I grew up having never known my sister she would have been three years older than me, but I always wondered what is would have been like to have had her there... My Dad worked away a lot and missed day to day things but I knew he wished he could have been there there are many things about this book that touch different people for different reasons.#working # family #Military #Adoption #Loss #comfort #IF I COULD HAVE BEEN THERE. The store is now open click the link MY Bookstore
Also keep checking back to see where I may be set up for sales
upcoming locations are and readings are as follows
No Markets booked right now
Jamie Hendricks
If I could have been there written and illustrated by Jamie Hendricks
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
There here There here
Ok it has been a long few months but the books are finally here in my home.. so now I will be getting ready for book launch and signings the first one is in my hometown of Hardisty at the Library on May 20th 2-4pm
The second one is going to be at Cobblers on main street in Camrose May 22nd 2-4 & then again 6-7:30
aster the book launch here in Camrose the books will be available at Cobblers (cash only sales)
& @ Frankies Flowers (cash only sales) the books are $20 no tax for now
I will be heading down to Calgary area on the 14th of June to do a Children's day in Chestermere will know more about the times and such soon
will post more locations as I get them
My store is now open.. in the top right on this blog ....there is shipping on any books that are not bought at locations that I will be..sorry but Canada post charges and it is per book
if you know me personally you can also pay thru interac just email me at info and I will invoice you and then you can send your payment
The second one is going to be at Cobblers on main street in Camrose May 22nd 2-4 & then again 6-7:30
aster the book launch here in Camrose the books will be available at Cobblers (cash only sales)
& @ Frankies Flowers (cash only sales) the books are $20 no tax for now
I will be heading down to Calgary area on the 14th of June to do a Children's day in Chestermere will know more about the times and such soon
will post more locations as I get them
My store is now open.. in the top right on this blog ....there is shipping on any books that are not bought at locations that I will be..sorry but Canada post charges and it is per book
if you know me personally you can also pay thru interac just email me at info and I will invoice you and then you can send your payment
Friday, May 9, 2014
There coming There coming
Well I finally got the email that the books are on a truck from Vancouver port to Camrose ETA Monday or Tuesday of next week so I have set up book launch dates
May20th @ Hardisty Public Library from 2-4
May 22nd @ Cobblers in Camrose from 2-4 and 6-7:30
come out and pick up a copy and get it signed if you would like
all preorders can pick up at these locations too unless other arrangements can be made
I have been asked to come to a Children's day in Chestermere near Calgary to read my book and do a activity with the kids
this is put on by the Town of Chestermere so not sure of the times yet but it is on June 14th so all those who have preordered from me from down south I will be in the area then to meet up
I have a interview with the Booster on Monday
I am available to do readings in schools grades 1-3
been asked to come to Hardisty School hoping to do a reading in the K-2 class Tuesday May 20th in the morning
May20th @ Hardisty Public Library from 2-4
May 22nd @ Cobblers in Camrose from 2-4 and 6-7:30
come out and pick up a copy and get it signed if you would like
all preorders can pick up at these locations too unless other arrangements can be made
I have been asked to come to a Children's day in Chestermere near Calgary to read my book and do a activity with the kids
this is put on by the Town of Chestermere so not sure of the times yet but it is on June 14th so all those who have preordered from me from down south I will be in the area then to meet up
I have a interview with the Booster on Monday
I am available to do readings in schools grades 1-3
been asked to come to Hardisty School hoping to do a reading in the K-2 class Tuesday May 20th in the morning
Friday, May 2, 2014
Could this really happen
I sent a copy of my Book IF I COULD HAVE BEEN THERE to the TRH Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for their son Prince George a few weeks back I still have not heard anything but then again I have not had my book returned yet I am going to go on faith and Dream Believe Achieve and hope that he gets it and one day his Dad will read it to him
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Book donated to my hometown Library
I donated My book to the Library in Hardisty, as this was My hometown I thought it would be good place to start with .. it takes about 6 weeks Billi-jo said to get it registered with the Library.. the shipment for My order of books will be in port in Vancouver the 29th of April they say then have to clear customs and sorting. I am going to aim for having the books here sometime the week of May 12th - 16th hopefully... So will be coming down to Hardisty with all the preorders, then down to Calgary as I have a few needed that way too... so then I will be posting where I will be I am planning a book launch in Camrose at the Cobblers store on Mainstreet will post when I know the date..
The book was written the night Surai was born
I finally got my books to Rochelle, Kelly,Haylee and TaraLynn . I was able to show the book to Surai (My great niece, whom was the inspiration for the book)... Surai just turned 6 this year and she has twin brothers Beckett and Griffin who are 4.5 years old. The night Surai was born I thought of all the things my Brother Jeff would be missing as he passed away two years before, I thought of many things about Surai and what he may have done if he could have been here...
I was able to finally finish this book this year finishing all the illustrations and making the poems suit the theme.. here is a look at the kids getting a look at the book that was written for them.
I was able to finally finish this book this year finishing all the illustrations and making the poems suit the theme.. here is a look at the kids getting a look at the book that was written for them.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
I got my first books by AIRMAIL
Well the first 25 preview books for Family arrived by express airmail this week and I was so excited I did a happy dance.. Everyone is asking when they can get a book , the Boat left China and will be 27 days at sea I was told. Then from there they have to Port in Vancouver and be inspected ,go through customs and get declared. they will be sorted in a warehouse from all the other items in the same container. then My freight shipping company will load then onto a truck and they will make their long journey trough the Rockey mountains to Camrose where they will then be unloaded and brought home to My house.. so I am hoping the first part of May I will keep you all posted on here and facebook when they will be here.
I took Heather a couple books for her and the kids, when they all got home from school she read it to them . They seamed to enjoy the story and picked out little things in the book. they liked the haircut page..and were excited when I showed them their names in the book...Kale was also excited that so many kids would get to see this book ... Cruz jumped around he was excited for this special book.. Kyra was happy that I was going to be going into her class the next day to read the book to her classmates
Kyra's grade one class is learning all about Authors and illustrators, they are writing their own books and I was the first live Author in their classroom, they listened to the story and laughed at the funny parts. they then asked me some real good questions about the book.. it was a good experiance and I was able to fall upon my days working as a Teachers Aide in class and having to read stories in front of kids. I am usually very nervous speaking in front of lots of people but My hand only shook a little when turning the pages...Kyra was pointing out to all the kids in her class where her name is at the back of the book
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
So I got a email this morning with photos of my completed books, they are still not quite ready to ship, I was wondering what all the colorful paper is sticking out of them for? I then assumed it is something they do when binding them... who am I to question there technique as to how they do things.
So now they have requested the final amount owing ..... I sure hope our dollar did not go down ... down .... down ... over night against the US dollar as that is what they like to get paid in over in China..
The next step is to pay my final bill and they will take all those colorful papers out .. I hope and then pack up my books and ship them to me ... sailing sailing over the ocean blue... I have them shipping me a few books by air to get out to my family before the rest arrive... hope they arrive next week...
they send you pictures of your books so that you know that you really have a order before you make your final payment..I am soooo excited with how they look so far... it looks like a real book PINOCCHIO comes to mind here.. as I feel a bit like Geppetto when he made his puppet, when I got the sample in the mail to check over .... now it has become a real book....
So now they have requested the final amount owing ..... I sure hope our dollar did not go down ... down .... down ... over night against the US dollar as that is what they like to get paid in over in China..
The next step is to pay my final bill and they will take all those colorful papers out .. I hope and then pack up my books and ship them to me ... sailing sailing over the ocean blue... I have them shipping me a few books by air to get out to my family before the rest arrive... hope they arrive next week...
they send you pictures of your books so that you know that you really have a order before you make your final payment..I am soooo excited with how they look so far... it looks like a real book PINOCCHIO comes to mind here.. as I feel a bit like Geppetto when he made his puppet, when I got the sample in the mail to check over .... now it has become a real book....
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Video Preview of book
Video preview of If I could have been there

If I could have been there video preview
click on link to preview book
Friday, March 7, 2014
My Sample is done and ready to ship
Well jack of all trades master of none
I often take on things that I do not wish to dole out money for... if I can make it myself I will try, if I think I can do it, I will try... even if I think I can't do it but want to try anyway... I have worn many hats in my lifetime for all the different trades or jobs that I have done...
Some of the easier than others... there are many steps to becoming a self publisher and now I have completed most of them...
I became a author , a illustrator , a importer and owner of a book selling business..
ahh the internet , the marvels that you bestow upon me each day, the opportunity that you have given me.
I often get asked why I am not taking my book to a publisher?
they will be able to sell more books for you...
Well as a artist , you do not like to be told your work stinks.. so if I even got a bad review from any of them I would have been devastated to say the least. For this book was more thatn just pictures and words.. it is part of my heart, how could I make myself vulnerable to them... so best next step AVOID them.. yes and that I did.
I am not afraid to take on new challenges.. after all I lived in Fiji for 4.5 months with the locals , sleeping on mats on the floor , fishing in the ocean with a coke bottle with fishing line wrapped around it and snails for bait inside it. I lived in a hut on the beach sleeping on a coconut husk bed and ate fresh crab caught on the beach..
I worked pipline construction for 15 years doing the same work as my male counterparts..
so having a Graphic art training I should be able to make a book.. well I went through a company in the US to start with as you have read in a previous post.. I learned how I did not want to do business,
I had to trust someone... someone across the ocean that I had never met before, would I get ripped off and loose my money.. well I still may I am not sure.
But one thing I do is go in with both feet when I start something .. so it is all or nothing...
I did my research, everyone liked my concept.. did my art, everyone liked my characters..
so now what is the problem.. getting my book out there with out a big publisher. How am I going to get my book known, will anybody besides my friends and family actually want to buy one ..My husband said ORDER them , well I can line the upstairs wall if they don't sell right..
My friends have great confidence in the book and say it is touching and brings tears to their eyes
( this is a good thing right) as it evokes emotion within us that tugs at our hearts..
So after all the learning of how to be a self publisher, now comes the hard part getting my book known with out the big book stores selling it.. I am counting on you my viewing audience to help spread the word
Thank you in advance
Some of the easier than others... there are many steps to becoming a self publisher and now I have completed most of them...
I became a author , a illustrator , a importer and owner of a book selling business..
ahh the internet , the marvels that you bestow upon me each day, the opportunity that you have given me.
I often get asked why I am not taking my book to a publisher?
they will be able to sell more books for you...
Well as a artist , you do not like to be told your work stinks.. so if I even got a bad review from any of them I would have been devastated to say the least. For this book was more thatn just pictures and words.. it is part of my heart, how could I make myself vulnerable to them... so best next step AVOID them.. yes and that I did.
I am not afraid to take on new challenges.. after all I lived in Fiji for 4.5 months with the locals , sleeping on mats on the floor , fishing in the ocean with a coke bottle with fishing line wrapped around it and snails for bait inside it. I lived in a hut on the beach sleeping on a coconut husk bed and ate fresh crab caught on the beach..
I worked pipline construction for 15 years doing the same work as my male counterparts..
so having a Graphic art training I should be able to make a book.. well I went through a company in the US to start with as you have read in a previous post.. I learned how I did not want to do business,
I had to trust someone... someone across the ocean that I had never met before, would I get ripped off and loose my money.. well I still may I am not sure.
But one thing I do is go in with both feet when I start something .. so it is all or nothing...
I did my research, everyone liked my concept.. did my art, everyone liked my characters..
so now what is the problem.. getting my book out there with out a big publisher. How am I going to get my book known, will anybody besides my friends and family actually want to buy one ..My husband said ORDER them , well I can line the upstairs wall if they don't sell right..
My friends have great confidence in the book and say it is touching and brings tears to their eyes
( this is a good thing right) as it evokes emotion within us that tugs at our hearts..
So after all the learning of how to be a self publisher, now comes the hard part getting my book known with out the big book stores selling it.. I am counting on you my viewing audience to help spread the word
Thank you in advance
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Found a new printer as we speak they are already working on my Book
Well it has been quite the last few days around here, not only did my first printer misquote me... after working with them on all the design aspects of my book for a month and a half , but then when they transferred my deposit back to my visa I lost more money with the American dollar exchange rate....
So I was on the hunt for a new printer and I wrote to many of them getting numbers all over the place but in the end I felt really good about the guy whom I decided to go with... maybe it was a sign, maybe not but his name is Jeff and he had been the best at answering all my questions, and emailing back promptly..their shipping is higher than some of the other companies but in the long run they have a lot more years experience than some of the others... so I sent him my 40% down payment... goodbye money ..I may never see you again..ha ha sent him my files. Did not realize that waiting on someone 15 hours away would be so stress full , I am up all day and then I get my reply's at bedtime..
So now today I wait, and wait .... and oh yeah wait some more..................................
I have had the stomach flu since Sunday so I guess waiting is what I can do as I can not really go anywhere.. had a cold for two weeks prior to that and did not go anywhere but one day out, anyway I will be going down to Hardisty next Friday to Toddler's Inn Hillbilly Hootenanny - March 14th at the Hardisty Community Hall hope to have a sample book, fingers crossed if it gets here by then and a electronic book for people to see ... I will be doing pre orders.. so I can let them know numbers for final production of book .. so if you are in the neighborhood come out and take a peak ..Tickets are still available
So I was on the hunt for a new printer and I wrote to many of them getting numbers all over the place but in the end I felt really good about the guy whom I decided to go with... maybe it was a sign, maybe not but his name is Jeff and he had been the best at answering all my questions, and emailing back promptly..their shipping is higher than some of the other companies but in the long run they have a lot more years experience than some of the others... so I sent him my 40% down payment... goodbye money ..I may never see you again..ha ha sent him my files. Did not realize that waiting on someone 15 hours away would be so stress full , I am up all day and then I get my reply's at bedtime..
So now today I wait, and wait .... and oh yeah wait some more..................................
I have had the stomach flu since Sunday so I guess waiting is what I can do as I can not really go anywhere.. had a cold for two weeks prior to that and did not go anywhere but one day out, anyway I will be going down to Hardisty next Friday to Toddler's Inn Hillbilly Hootenanny - March 14th at the Hardisty Community Hall hope to have a sample book, fingers crossed if it gets here by then and a electronic book for people to see ... I will be doing pre orders.. so I can let them know numbers for final production of book .. so if you are in the neighborhood come out and take a peak ..Tickets are still available
Friday, February 21, 2014
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Life has away of throwing us cure balls and it is what we decide to do with them that counts, many of us have had loss in our lives some it is expected as the Loved one has been ill for awhile or they are elderly. Then there are the accidental deaths that take us to our inner feeling of why, or what could I have done to prevent this. we have no way of knowing weather we have tomorrow.
I married my husband of now 12 years after he had lost his first wife to Cancer she fought a long battle for 3 years.. I never met Sandy but I am now the surrogate Nana for her Grandchildren.
A Grandmother they will never know ,other than through the stories their Mom tells them of her.
Then 8 years ago my brother died suddenly in a accidental death, he left behind a wife and 3 daughters, one whom was getting married later that year. He was gone to early and he missed this event in his daughters life, but it was not until 2 years later that his first grandchild came into this world.
A very loved little girl Surai, the night she was born I thought of all the things that my brother would have been missing . All the things that he would have done if he would have been here to see her grow.
Then came along two little boys a year and half later.. twins non the less we always wondered what it would have been like to have two of Jeff when he was growing up, well now we do. The twins look so much like him, one more so than the other. Well this book is written in Jeff and Sandy's memory of all they may have done if they would have been here, also in memory of my sister Laura Lee whom I never knew as she died before I was born , I always wonder what my life would have been like to have had a sister, to play with to hang out with.
I had to revise the book a little from my first draft as I realized there were many people that I have met whom have lost someone special in their lives and having to comfort their children to deal with these losses, or even if someone is just not there, they may be in the military, a father who has to work overseas or have given their child up for adoption or foster care. they may want to be there but just can't be for one reason or another.. this book is for one and all. I hope that you enjoy it and the little ones you read it to find some comfort in the story
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
the book is coming along nicely.. for those of you who are unaware of
what it about... when my great niece Surai was born, I thought of all
the things my Brother who had passed away would be missing, thus the
story came together, this book can also be for kids whom have been
adopted or lost someone special in their family like my Step Grand kids
whom never met their Grandma it could have been a Dad, Mom, Grandma ,
Grandpa , Aunt, Uncle, sister or brother etc...So here is the last
page... to find out what happens in between the cover and here you will
have to buy the book... looking for a printer right now ....what do you
think should it be hard cover or soft cover? —
One of the pages of the book still working on my characters but the chickens are coming along fine since they found their coop.. all the rest are having a nap I guess they have never heard of up with the chickens

The last page of the book and the one that means the most as to finding comfort in the fact that you can look up to the sky and find the brightest star and feel that you are sharing it with the loved one whom is not there ..When my daughter lived in Egypt for a few months I told her to look out at the moon and I was looking at the same moon, which brought me a little comfort while she was away..
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